A Letter To Tom — My Avatar

Mark Robinson
3 min readOct 27, 2020

Dear Tom,

I know you don’t know me but I know some things about you and I’m here to help. I know you’re going through a tough time, both personally and financially. I was recently in the same position as you are now but I firmly believe I’m finally coming through it. For the first time in a long time, I see that light at the end of the tunnel and don’t get the feeling that it’s an on-coning train.

You see, in February 2006, I made 12 million dollars. In one month! But six years later, it was gone and I was struggling to support my young family. I tried everything I could think of to create a new source of income, but I failed with all of them. Then, in January of 2017, my wife filed for divorce and shattered my foundation for life itself.

I don’t want to go into specifics, but I can tell you that putting a whole bottle of Xanax into a glass of water and drinking it will not kill you. There are many other bad outcomes that could have happened, but thankfully, I came through it with just a few scratches.

I’m telling you this to let you know what a roller coaster my life has been and while that time period may represent the high and the low, there were many, many twists and turns along the way. Like riding Space Mountain in Disney Land with unseen and horrifying turns and drops. They left me doubting that the ride would ever end.

But I’m here to tell you that I think it did end. Finally.

I want to show you how I’m stopping the roller coaster and finding a smooth and level path to personal and financial freedom. I’m not there yet but I believe the journey has begun.

I don’t remember how exactly it happened, but I found myself in the Clickfunnels One-Funnel-Away (OFA) Challenge. Without getting into too much detail just yet, it’s a 30-day challenge that assumes you lost everything and you now have just 30 days to build a new income stream. At the time, things weren’t quite that bad, but they weren’t far off.

After so many failed attempts to create an income stream, both online and offline, I really believed that this was exactly what I needed.

But again, life got in my way. The pandemic was raging and my school-age children were home with me most of the time. Yes, I have school-age children. I’m a 60-year-old single father of an 8-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy.

As all the wine drinking mamma’s out there like to say, the struggle is real.

Even though I didn’t succeed with the OFA Challenge the first time, I knew it was exactly what I needed.

There’s a saying in the course, “The life you want, the marriage you want, the family that you want, is going to be fueled by the funnel you build”.

But WTF is a funnel?

Again, without going into too much detail, it’s a website with only one purpose, such as to sell one product, sell one service, or even just redirect you to another website.

I know, you don’t know how to build a website. I understand, you’re not some young techie guy. I get it, neither am I.

But there’s something you need to know: the technology that was difficult to understand 10, 5, or even 2 years ago has become way more user-friendly.

I’m not going to say it’s easy now. I’m glad it’ not. That weeds out the wanna-be’s and leaves it those who are focused and committed. Those ready and willing to take consistent action.

That’s who the OFA Challenge is there for.

Tell me, Tom, are you ready?

I know, after more than a few false starts, I am. I hope you’ll join me and we can take this challenge together. I’ve been going it alone for too long and need an accountability partner. Someone I can bounce ideas off of and work through obstacles with. Someone who knows what it’s like to be where I’ve been and wants to see tomorrow in a new light.

I’m starting the challenge again next Monday.

Join me. Please.

